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After analyzing the program, we have arrived at the conclusion that the hex code 35 is the crucial value that determines the direction of the program's execution flow. To modify this value, we need to select the address location 0041140D in the text view mode and navigate to the Edit menu. From there, we need to choose the option Patch program and then select Patch Bytes. This will display the same 16 hex bytes sequence as in the hex view mode:The hex code 35 is a XOR instruction that performs a bitwise exclusive OR operation on the operands. In this case, the operands are the value at the address location 0041140D and the value 0x1F. The result of this operation is stored in the same address location 0041140D. This means that the value at this location is changed from 0x35 to 0x1A.
The value at this location is used as a conditional jump instruction that decides whether to execute the next block of code or not. If the value is 0x35, then the program jumps to the address 0041141C and executes the code there. If the value is anything else, then the program continues to execute the code at the address 0041140F.
By patching the value at this location, we can alter the behavior of the program and bypass the conditional jump. This way, we can access the code that was previously unreachable and see what it does. To save the changes we made, we need to go to File menu and choose Save program.The code at 0041141C is a call instruction that invokes a subroutine at the address 004113A0. This subroutine is responsible for checking the validity of the user input and displaying a message accordingly. If the user input is correct, then the subroutine displays a message \"Congratulations! You have successfully cracked the program.\" and exits the program. If the user input is incorrect, then the subroutine displays a message \"Sorry, wrong input. Try again.\" and returns to the main program.
The XOR instruction is a common technique used by programmers to obfuscate their code and make it harder for reverse engineers to understand. XOR is a reversible operation that can be used to encrypt and decrypt data by using the same key. For example, if we XOR a value A with a key K, we get a value B. If we XOR B with K again, we get back A. This way, the programmer can hide the original value by XORing it with a key and then reveal it by XORing it again with the same key. 061ffe29dd