This is Alex Cooper. Welcome to The MindsetCEO. The MindsetCEO is my practiced and proven coaching model for setting and achieving meaningful goals in your life. Anything is possible if you put your mind to it.
Last Friday I was busy trying to close out my week. I was taking calls, on conference calls, and trying to send contrast out at the same time. I screwed up big time, I sent out three contracts that had big mistakes. My boss caught it and I had egg on my face.
So what could I do? I fixed of course. I emailed my clients. I tried to correct the problem with a little humor. I shared an idiom that I learned a long time ago;
"Never buy a car built on a Monday or Friday."
For that matter, never send a contract on a Friday. What does that mean? Well back in the day, the assumption or wive's tale was that factory workers were too distracted on Fridays thinking about the weekend to be productive or efficient. On Mondays, they were too tired or hungover from the weekend.
Well, the 9 to 5 work week is long gone. Also, cars are built mainly by robots and AI. There is still a lesson even though we dont work 9-5 or shift jobs. The pandemic and working at home has only exasperated the problem of the 24 hour day and seven-day workweek.
It's important to slow down and to be intentional and focused on what you are doing-especially when it's important.
The other lesson here is that even in shift work people get time off. They get breaks and lunch. They have time away from the drudgery or intensity of the task at hand. Studies have shown that naps works. So tell your boss or dont tell them, take a nap. Take time off, walk around, the block, do real exercise in the middle of the day. Studies have shown that for every 57 minutes of work, focus and concentration we need at least 17 minutes to turn our brains off.
So find what works for you and you will be more productive and a better person for it.
This is Alex Cooper. Welcome to The MindsetCEO. The MindsetCEO is my practiced and proven coaching model for setting and achieving meaningful goals in your life. Anything is possible if you put your mind to it.
You can find and follow The MindsetCEO on LinkedIn or the new MindsetCEO YouTube Channel. Book a call to see how I can help you on your journey from Founder to CEO.